Photography, painting with light

Last Saturday I attended a course on photography in order to learn few more perks about how to use my camera. I loved it. From getting familiar with the technical side of creating photos I also learned that photography actually means ‘painting with light’. Poetry in motion is what I would call it.

I learned how to hold the camera properly and how to position the body so that one can be extra still, especially if making portraits. If you shake while taking a photo, you get a blurred picture as a result, therefore it is important to keep still. Stillness is an interesting thing; it seems to be hidden in the core of most of the creative activity. Last year I discovered its significance in pottery, this year in photography.

After the course I went out to explore what I learned. I took the camera and started painting. Being able to notice beauty is a real privilege, capturing it becomes an art. Try standing before beauty, unaffected, and tell me you failed.

Some photos I took that day.
2015-10-10 13.25.45-3 2015-10-10 13.30.36-6

Autumn sings in colours.
2015-10-10 13.26.58-32015-10-10 13.28.29-4

The leaves as they fall announce that freedom sometimes comes when we least expect it.
2015-10-10 13.37.43-3

© Iva Beranek (Dublin, 13th October 2015)
Photos by © Iva Beranek

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